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Resource Management Improvements

Sifeddine Biri requested to merge sif-patch-stats into main

Performance and Resource Management Improvements

The server, when handling multiple requests and given the size of polygons, can take a long time for calculations. Since it uses all CPU cores, it consumes a lot of resources, potentially making the server unresponsive.


  • Timeout Handling:

    • Previously, timeout was handled from clojure/libpython-clj with future, but it wasn't always effective.
    • Moved the timeout functionality to the Python side.
    • If a calculation takes more than 50 seconds, it times out and frees resources.
  • Polygon Size Limit:

    • Added an upper limit size for polygons, currently set at 10000.00 ha.
    • This avoids running costly, resource-hungry calculations.
  • Concurrency Control:

    • Implemented a semaphore mechanism to limit multiple resource-hungry concurrent calls to stats calculations.
    • Currently set at 2 to balance between resource utilization and request handling capacity.
  • Quick Patch:

    • Set loader timeout to 55 seconds, slightly longer than the calculation timeout, as sometimes the value doesn't get read from config.
    • This suffices for now since we timeout calculations at 50 seconds and HTTP requests time out at 1 minute.
Edited by Sifeddine Biri

Merge request reports